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So I had been using DuckDuckGo now for over a year at school as they have multiple themes and one is night theme and you can pick the colors or the words and if you want ads and more. Well just today it is now blocked at school. I can go to but cant use it to search. DuckDuckGo, however, presents itself as an alternative search engine that does not collect any user data. Since the Washington Post and the Guardian first Whether or not alternative search engines like DuckDuckGo or Ixquick really provide protection against the curiosity of the NSA can be disputed. The CEO and founder of DuckDuckGo says that his company is already profitable, without storing private information of its users. DuckDuckGo - Google Karşılaştırması. Bir süre önce önce Google'da gelişmiş arama yapmayla ilgili bir yazı yazmıştım. Ancak o yazıyı yazdıktan sonra DuckDuckGo'nun marifetlerine geçmeden önce Google'dan neden soğudumu anlatayım. Google son zamanlarda iyişe şişmeye başladı.

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Unlike Google, DuckDuckGo will not throw the "Top Stories" search results at you, instead, you will see only recent news, though some of them will be highlighted at the top. You will be able to select your country, for more regional search results, or any country in the world, actually. DuckDuckGo is a silly name, possibly based on the duck, duck, goose game. Even the developers of the so knighted search engine admit as much. But under this seemingly simple and somewhat unprofessional moniker lurks a very powerful, refreshing and unique search engine.

DuckDuckGo may just be one of those competitors, especially if you're looking for privacy that you may not get elsewhere. But DuckDuckGo has plenty more to offer searchers. What follows is an in-depth comparison of the features of two great search engines we love - DuckDuckGo and Google.

DuckDuckGo is one website that is trying to offer such an alternative. If you've been using it the same as you would use Google, not taking advantage of its cool features, this article is for you. DuckDuckGo works fine as an everyday search tool, but it sometimes requires an extra click and doesn't help much with digging up pages from the past. But you should at least consider whether you must use the same search tool as almost everybody else all the time. Simple Dark for duckduckgo/html. by revetoon. Share this style. A simple dark theme for the website Warning: Only works for the non-javascript (HTML-only) version of duckduckgo.

DuckDuckGo is not just for privacy nuts. It has some really great features that make Google Knowledge Graph look rudimentary. DuckDuckGo is a search engine that shows the same results for a search term to all its users. This is unlike Google, which filters search results based on the sites

DuckDuckGoog lets you use DuckDuckGo for bang queries and Google for everything else, so you get the best of both worlds. Searches Google and !bangs DuckDuckGo. DuckDuckGo said: 2) We've done easter eggs for people who recommend us on Twitter for quite some time. They are not intended for critics or anyone who doesn't First, I don't use DuckDuckGo because of their poor quality search results, so this is not a real issue for me. Second, about their answers Die Suchmaschine DuckDuckGo hat die Domain von Google übernommen. Das bestätigte DuckDuckGo-Chef Gabriel Weinberg gegenüber NamePros: "Wir freuen uns, dass Google sich entschieden hat, die Domain an DuckDuckGo zu übertragen."

1. DuckDuckGo does not collect or share any of your personal information. There's no search history, profile or anything else stored, sold, or given to third 2. DuckDuckGo does not "Bubble" your search terms. Other search engines will show different results to two users who enter the same search terms

DuckDuckGo, however, presents itself as an alternative search engine that does not collect any user data. Since the Washington Post and the Guardian first Whether or not alternative search engines like DuckDuckGo or Ixquick really provide protection against the curiosity of the NSA can be disputed. The CEO and founder of DuckDuckGo says that his company is already profitable, without storing private information of its users.

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